Creating a Fundamental FileMaker Go Layout – Zoom Lock
Welcome to the third post in my blog series about Creating a Fundamental FileMaker Go Layout. This entry will cover Locking the Zoom Level on Filemaker Go Layouts. The previous posts in the series covered:
Zoom Lock
Zoom locking is self-descriptive: it means removing the ability to use a double-tap to zoom into a layout. The ability to zoom is an important tool for accessing layouts that were not built specifically for iOS consumption. But it’s really a crutch in place of a layout that is properly designed for an iOS device. When using a layout that is designed for iOS consumption, the zoom feature can alter expected behavior much like layout scrolling. For example, if a user taps near an object, realizes they didn’t hit the object, and then quickly taps on the object again (instead of the button action running the layout), it will zoom in. The same thing can happen when scrolling through a layout in list view. Locking the zoom level is fairly simple. Create a script with the script step: This will lock the zoom level for the window to 100 percent. To unlock the zoom level, simply create a script with a script step:
Leaving out the lock attribute on the set zoom level, script will unlock the set zoom level (much like using a blank on timer script step to remove an active on timer script trigger.) A good practice in a file that has layouts that will be used in FileMaker Go, would be to add a zoom level lock as part of the file’s opening (on first window open) script. To specify the lock for only iOS devices (and not FileMaker Pro) you can use a script like this:
Like the name suggests, the Get (ApplicationVersion) function returns the version of FileMaker currently being used to access the file. On an iOS device, the Get (ApplicationVersion) function returns “Go X.X.X” where the xxx value is the version number.The PatternCount ( ) function allows you to search a specified string for the number of instances of another string. So, this if statement is saying “Count how many times the string ‘go’ occurs in the application version name.” If the user is using an iOS device, regardless if they’re on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch, the application version name will contain the string ‘Go’ somewhere, and at least once. Using script steps like this in an opening script (or using it as a sub script for the main opening script) can allow you to easily keep to the iOS device’s expected behavior without affecting desktop users. Christopher Schmitz is a FileMaker Certified Developer at Skeleton Key. About Skeleton Key Skeleton Key is an accomplished team of technology consultants who solve business problems. We specialize in the rapid development of custom applications, integrating Macs and PCs in the professional workplace, and providing personalized FileMaker training and coaching. Despite our end-to-end technical skills, we are consultant first and technologist second. We know that you don’t just need technology. You need to know that the technology you choose to deploy will provide the results you desire. Skeleton Key is a Platinum Level FileMaker Business Alliance company, an Authorized FileMaker Trainer, a member of the Apple Consultants Network and a Microsoft Registered Partner. …