IaC: Infrastructure as Code

Over the past weeks, I have set up about fifty (50) FileMaker…
Sacred Kow

Treat, or Trick? The Skeleton Key Conspiracy

Every fall at Skeleton Key we have a Staff Konference. Whether…
Mobile devices everywhere ... except in the hands of the person who is actually collecting data!

Paper and Pen: How Skeleton Key Addressed a Common Problem (that COVID-19 Amplified)

It’s an occupational hazard here at Skeleton Key: When we see…

SimpleKolorswap : The Indispensable Tool for Color Management in FileMaker

If you’ve ever been tasked with reskinning a FileMaker solution…
Weird Tales of WebDirect - Radio Buttons & Checkboxes

Weird Tales of WebDirect: Radio Buttons & Checkboxes

TL;DR: Radio Buttons and Checkboxes can look different from…

Teaching Pickers to be Patient

FileMaker is a very responsive application – you ask it to…
Visit Tracker

Visit Tracker : An App for Visitor Tracking in the Age of COVID (and beyond)

As businesses open back up, they have to put new health and safety…
Data Migration

FileMaker Data Migration

Data Migration. Sounds pretty boring, right? Feels like it will…
Talent and Event Management

Talent and Event Management

Skeleton Key understands that the entertainment business is...
My Business is Weird

“My Business is Weird…” Using FileMaker to Create Unique Apps for Unique Businesses

If there’s a common refrain among most small business owners…